God of Hope, we enter your holy season of Advent giving thanks to You for the love You have for all of us. We begin to prepare for the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Your Son, Jesus. With the promise of Your Son, we live with great hope and anticipation; Hope in the knowledge of the love You continue to give us. Hope in the knowledge that Jesus is coming into our lives and hearts to heal us and love us. We are a people of hope, and no matter how difficult times sometimes are, we know that Your Son is coming and that you continue to shower us with Your love. Amen
WEEKLY OFFERTORY PROMISE The collection amounted to £1475.00.00. Thank you for your generous financial support. You can make your envelope contribution via the donate button on the Parish website home page also at
CHILDREN’S LITURGY To mark the start of a New Church Year we will begin Children’s Liturgy at the 9.30am Mass this Sunday. Parental consent forms are available from the church or Holy Child PS. Forms need to be completed before attending the Children’s Liturgy.
LECTIO DIVINA will begin this Sunday 1st December & each Sunday of Advent at 7pm in St Agnes’ Church. Everyone welcome.
SVP Christmas cards are now on sale from the Sacristy priced £4 for a pack of 10.
TROCAIRE GIFTS Trócaire gifts at Christmas are now on sale from the Sacristy. If you want to give a gift that can transform lives, buy a Trócaire Gift of Change. You can bring real hope and opportunity to families living in poverty, and a chance to create lasting, positive change. See for more details
SVP CHRISTMAS COLLECTION will be held this weekend of 30th Nov /1st Dec. Many thanks for your very generous support throughout the year
Feast of Immaculate Conception Please note the Vigil Mass for this Feast is on Monday evening 9th Dec at 7pm. 10am Mass on Monday as usual.
Recently Deceased: Geraldine Boyle, Lilian Farrelly, Jim Jordan.
Month’s Mind: Hugh Walsh
Anniversaries: David Rouse & Geraldine Dunlop, Sarah Fennell, Josephine Mc Greevey, Brendan Moore, Donal O’Malley, Paul Shiels, Bridget & Bernard O’Kane & son Barney
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord!
Sat 30 (6.30pm): Patricia Canning, Gerard Quinn, Marie & Sean Mallon
Marie Standen
Sun 01(9.30am): Sarah Gillen, Michael, Maureen
& Emma Mc Cann
Sun 01(12.30pm): Hugh Walsh, James & Ellen Mc Fall,
Sarah Mc Varnock, Johnny Purcell, Matthew Morrison
Mon 02(10am): Priest’s intention
Tues 03: NO MASS
Wed 04 (10am): Priest’s intention
Thurs 05(10am): Priest’s intention
Fri 06(10am):Paddy Leonard
Sat 07(1pm): Colette Donnelly
NB: In the event of a funeral, the assigned intention will be offered privately by the priest at his first available mass.
Waiting in Joyful Hope A Time of Prayer and Reflection for Advent 8th December 2024 from 2pm in St Teresa’s Church Glen Road. Fr Ciaran O’Callaghan CSSR will led an afternoon in preparation for Christmas. You are welcome to come along to celebrate the opening of the Holy Year 2025
HOLY CHILD PS & NURSERY UNIT Open day Thursday 5th December 1.30pm & 6pm. Principal’s introduction followed by tour of the school/ nursery unit.
02890 614823 or
HOLY CHILD CHRISTMAS FAIR. 1st Dec 12pm-3pm. £1 Entrance fee. Join us for fabulous stalls, Tombola, Treats and Santa’s Grotto. £25 a stall. Please contact to register your interest in a stall.
HOLY CHILD NURSERY SCHOOL Invite you to their Open Afternoon on Tuesday 3rd Dec 1.30pm-3.30pm. We look forward to meeting you all. 02890 627732. 40 Slievegallion Drive, Belfast BT11 8JP.
CAROLS AT CHRISTMAS We are delighted to announce that our annual Carols at Christmas concert will take place on Tuesday 3rd December at 7pm. Tickets are £5 and can be purchased from the school reception.
LOURDES YOUTH TEAM CHRISTMAS QUIZ NIGHT. A fundraising event to support the Diocesan Lourdes Youth Team, is taking place in St Bride’s parish hall (38 Derryvolgie Avenue), on Friday 6th December at 7pm. We would love to see you there.
Mary’s Meals – Double The Love
Amongst the many challenges we see in today’s world, your little acts of love can bring hope to desperately hungry children with a daily school meal with Mary’s Meals. At this time, all donations made to Mary’s Meals are being doubled by a group of generous supporters, up to £900,000. Please keep us in your prayers during this Advent season that we can reach even more children around the world with our life-changing school meals this Christmas. There are many ways to give, including our gift cards and online Christmas Trees of Hope. Find out more at or freephone 0800 698 1212
CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS CONCERT 22nd December 7.30pm Join International soprano Margaret Keys and Classical Brit award winner Fr Eugene for an unforgettable Christmas concert by candlelight in St Malachy’s Church Castlewellan. Performing Christmas Classics and festive favourites. Book now to avoid disappointment. Tickets are £20 and can be booked online at or from Parish Office (02843778259) or the Post Office in Castlewellan.
First Saturday Devotions St. Matthias’s Church, Glen Road 7th December at 3.00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions and Act of Consecration Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 4pm. Everyone welcome.
To mark the launch of the Rev Harold Good’s biography, Belfast Central Mission and St John’s Parish invite you to this special event involving Harold and his co-author Martin O’ Brien along with a panel of current church leaders. “In Good Time” includes a chapter challenging the churches today and the panel will discuss those challenges. Come along on Tuesday 3rd Dec at 7.30pm in St John’s Parish, Falls Road. There will also be an opportunity to purchase signed copies of the book in time for Christmas. Book your ticket today at This event is free. Everyone welcome
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