Parish News
The Weekly Offertory Promise collection amounted to £2,213.00. Thank you.
The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Wednesday 29nd January at 7pm.
The Annual Parish Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes will take place from Monday 3rd to Tuesday 11th February. The theme will be: “ Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus” and it will be preached by Fr Dan Baragry CSsR. See posters for Mass times.
A Roller Disco will take place in the Parish Centre on Sunday 26th January from 1:30-3pm. All ages welcome. Roller boots are supplied. Cost £6.
Remember in prayer…
Recently deceased: Ethna McKenna, Patrick Murphy.
Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Bernie McEwan, Rita Cleary, Annie & Charlie Thompson, Harry & Mary Bradley, Dierdre Maguire, Thomas & James Flannigan, Marie Hale, Sean & Loreta O’Neill, Billy Toner, Maura McAuley, Henry Gribbon, Thomas McNally, Patrick McDermott, Arthur Melley, Rita McKee, Mary Smith, Frances Mulvenna
What’s on locally
Discerning Vocations – a retreat for young women who are considering their vocation in the Church – a look at married life, the single life, lay missionary work, the religious life, consecrated life in the world and the contemplative life. Venue: Drumalis retreat house, Larne on March 29th/30th 2014. Cost: a donation is acceptable. If interested, contact the Diocesan Vocation Director: Fr John Murray at 90913761 or email: or also contact Mags Tierney at 07537414387 (text only) or
VOCATION WEEKEND — A Vocation Weekend for Students and young men will take place in Drumalis Retreat House, Larne on February 14th — 16th 2014. The Weekend is for anyone who is thinking about the possibility of a Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life. Anyone interested should contact Fr John Murray St. Michael’s Presbytery, 200 Finaghy Road North, Belfast BT11 9EG (20890 913761) for further information. You can also email Fr John at
4 Corners Festival, Bringing Belfast Together, 15th Jan -1st Feb. The Festival consists of innovative events during and around the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. These events are designed to entice people out of their own ”˜corners’ and into new places where they will encounter new perspectives. Next event: January 24th @7:30pm — BURNS NIGHT with Philip Orr and Mike Gaston in Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Old Park Road. Visit for more event details.
A day of reflection””practical hints on sharing your faith””in St Michael’s Hall (Finaghy Rd Nth) on Saturday 1st February from 10:45am-5:00pm after Mass (10.00am) in the Church.. Michaelle Moran from the Sion Community for evangelization and Fr John Murray. Tea/Coffee available, bring a packed lunch. Cost £5 (or whatever you can afford).
LIVING YOUTH Pilgrimage to Rome – Join with us as we step back to the very beginnings of our faith and the heart of the Roman Catholic Church. From 4th — 8th August we will immerse ourselves in the history of the Church, we will visit the ancient Christian sites of the Eternal City, the tombs of Peter and Paul, the Coliseum, the Catacombs, the Vatican and much more. Price including fights, transfers, accommodation half board, sweat shirt and t-shirts – £650, which can be subsidized through fund raising. If you are aged between 16 and 25 and would like to join us, please contact Claire for an Application Form which should be returned by Friday 31st January 2014 –
“ Unique volunteering opportunities for Retired Teachers to help provide one-on-one support to children with additional educational needs in primary schools in West and North Belfast. One morning per week is required for a minimum of 15 weeks. Contact Sólás on 02890 247600 or email for information”.
Divine Mercy Holy Hour Thursday 30th January 7.30pm, Church of the Nativity, Poleglass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Mass 8pm.
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