Parish News
The Weekly Offertory Promise collection amounted to £1,870.00. Thank you.
The Special Ministers of Holy Communion will meet on Thursday January 16th at 11.00am upstairs in the Parish Centre.
The Story of Fatima will be presented, in Sr Lucia’s own words, delivered by Fr Michael Maher in St Oliver Plunkett Church on Wednesday 15th January from 7.30pm-8.30pm. All welcome; tea and coffee & biscuits. Fr Maher is a member of the Marist Fathers, Dundalk.
Remember in prayer…
Recently deceased: Maria Hale (Canada), Leo Wilson, Raymund McCullough, Una McAnerney, Ethna McKenna.
Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Joan & John Molloy; Michael Mallon; Liam Burns; Gerry Hill; Kathleen Teeney; Mary & Owen McNeill; Leslie Johnson; William Fennell; Sheila Toner; Henrietta Turner; Anne Kelly; Bridget McFall; Rita Kane; Deceased McCann & Keenan family members; Kevin & Joe Macken; Susan McDonald; Margaret McVarnock.
What’s on locally
Discerning Vocations – a retreat for young women who are considering their vocation in the Church – a look at married life, the single life, lay missionary work, the religious life, consecrated life in the world and the contemplative life. Venue: Drumalis retreat house, Larne on March 29th/30th 2014. Cost: a donation is acceptable. If interested, contact the Diocesan Vocation Director: Fr John Murray at 90913761 or email: or also contact Mags Tierney at 07537414387 (text only) or
Clonard-Faith & Friendship Group-Are you in your 30’s,40’s, 50’s or over , enjoy sharing/living your faith with others while making new friends. Interested in finding out more ? Come along to Clonard and renew your faith together- on either Friday 10th or 17th January 7.00-7.30pm / Saturday 11th or 18th January 10.00-10.30am Clonard Monastery Belfast. Register your name/date by email: or text your name/date your coming to by tel: 07842960198.
4 Corners Festival, Bringing Belfast Together, 15th Jan -1st Feb. The Festival consists of innovative events during and around the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. These events are designed to entice people out of their own ”˜corners’ and into new places where they will encounter new perspectives. First event is: Jan. 19th at 7pm — The Psychology of Peace in the Sermon on the Mount with Roddy Crowe in Fitzroy Presbyterian Church, University Street. Visit for more event details.
VOCATION WEEKEND — A Vocation Weekend for Students and young men will take place in Drumalis Retreat House, Larne on February 14th — 16th 2014. The Weekend is for anyone who is thinking about the possibility of a Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life. Anyone interested should contact Fr.John Murray St. Michael’s Presbytery, 200 Finaghy Road North, Belfast BT11 9EG (20890 913761) for further information. You can also email Fr John at
De La Salle College Open Night, Edenmore Drive. Primary 7 pupils and their parents are invited to attend on Tuesday 14th January 7-9pm. Principal’s Address at 7pm.
St Mary’s Christian Brothers’ Grammar School Open Night on Thursday 16th January at 7.30pm. Transfer Pupils and their Parents are invited to attend. All enquiries to the Principal Tel: 028 90294000.
Open Night at St Rose’s Dominican College on Monday 13 January 2014 at 7p.m. Principal’s address at 7 p.m. in the School Assembly Hall. Parents and Primary 7 pupils are invited to attend. Students wishing to transfer to St Rose’s from other Post Primary schools are also welcome.
Malone College, Finaghy Road North, invite you to their Open Events on Thursday 16th January, 7-9pm and Saturday 18th January 10am-12noon.
Rathmore Grammar School Open Day Saturday 18 January 2014 9.30am to 1.00pm. Address by Principal at 9.30am and 11.00am.
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