Parish Bulletin Notes 08/09/2013

Parish News

Parish Retreat to Drumalis on 14th-15th September. Theme: People of Faith. Anyone interested in getting away from it all for a night, to a sanctuary offering renewal, retreat and refreshment. Contact Pat: 90617082.

The Children’s Choir will meet for rehearsal in the Church on Friday 13th September after school at 2.15pm (approx.). All children are welcome. The Choir sings on Sundays at 10.30am Mass.

Special Ministers of Holy Communion will meet at 11.00am on Thursday 12th September upstairs in the Parish Centre.  All Ministers are asked to attend.

The Liturgy Committee will meet on Wednesday 11th September at 6.30pm.

The St Agnes’ Parent and Toddler Group will begin again on Tuesday 10th September in the Parish Centre.

The Apostolic Work will start back on Monday 9th September at 8pm in the Parish Centre. New members would be most welcome.

St Agnes’ Seniors meet Monday-Thursday 10.00-11.30am in the Parish Centre. Tea, coffee, bingo and craic! All welcome.

Married in Christ: Many congratulations to Louise Murray and Gerard McComb.

Remember in prayer…

Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Gerry O’Gorman, James McHugh, Michael Edwards, Marie & Sean Mallon, Andy McCallin, Thomas Bannon, Hugh Gallagher, Michael Moss, Edward McCann, Mary & Charlie Heron, Martin & Patricia Duffy, Eileen & Frank Steenson, Charles & Margaret Mallon, Minnie & Harry Mallon, Brigid McMenamin, Richard Wilson.

What’s On Locally

Divine Mercy Centre groups resume on Monday 9th September. Lectio Divina, Mondays at 11am. Silent Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, Tuesdays 2-4pm. Lectio Divina, Wednesdays at 8pm. All welcome.

St Malachy’s College, Antrim Road Belfast is open to applications for GL Assessment 2013 for pupils entering P7 this September. Applications will close on September 27th at 2pm. Applications can be downloaded from the College Website or collected from reception. Further enquiries: Tel: 90748285.

St Mary’s Christian Brothers’ G.S. Open Night. Transfer pupils and their parents are invited to attend  on Thursday 12th September at 7.30pm. Parents can register for the GL Assessment at this event. Registration normally lasts for about 5mins and staff will guide parents through the process. All enquiries to the Principal  Tel: 028  90294000

Semper Fidelis Crossgar Co. Down. 8th Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Sunday 7th October 2013. Hotel Mediterranee 5 nights Full Board. £579 p.p.s. Deposit £170 non refundable. Savings scheme available to spread the cost weekly/monthly. Spiritual Director Fr Colm Curran. For more details please contact Terry (028) 44831308 or 07879998559.

St Agnes’ Walking Club. There will be an AGM of St Agnes’ Walking Club at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th September. At this meeting existing and new members (18yrs or over) will be formally registered. The annual registration fee of £5 will be collected. The walking club has proved very successful and popular with members from the Parish and beyond, providing an opportunity for regular exercise and good company. New members are very welcome!

The Club was established over three years ago and is still going strong. It offers an opportunity to walk with people aiming to maintain or increase their level of activity, thereby contributing to their social and emotional wellbeing. Walking within a group can make one feel safer, more confident and helps one become more motivated to undertake exercise.

The route and length of the walks are designed to suit the ability of the walkers so that all walkers can go at their own pace. All the walks have two leaders who play key roles in planning and managing some beautiful and environmentally interesting walks. We meet every Saturday morning at 10.30am and every Monday evening at 6.15pm at the Andersonstown Leisure Centre. The walker should wear comfortable clothes and suitable shoes that are appropriate to the weather conditions.

St Agnes’ Vigil Choir was originally established by Fr Rory Sheehan when he served as Curate in St Agnes. Members from the “ Curtain Call” drama group formed the first Vigil Choir. New members joined the Choir over the years. The Choir’s repertoire includes traditional and more contemporary hymns of worship and praise, all for the Glory of God. New members are always welcome, both those who wish to sing or play instruments. For more information about joining the Choir, please speak to any member of the Choir or telephone Gerry on 078 71691562 or 028 90225123.

Down and Connor Diocesan Congress: Living Church

Date:  Saturday, 28th September 2013

Venue:  Waterfront Hall, Belfast

9:00am Doors Open

9:45am Morning Session Begins

Opening Prayer

Keynote Address Breda O’Brien

Panel Discussion led by Martina Purdy

Presentation of Pastoral Plan

2:00pm Afternoon Workshops

Peter McVerry, SJ: Faith that does Justice.

Breda O’Brien: Passing on the Faith.

Bishop Alan Abernethy: Reconciliation:  The Gospel story and my story.

Elizabeth Davies: Church – Everybody’s Welcome.

Jim Deeds & John Colgan: Co-responsibilty: A Parish reality.

4:00pm Address from Bishop Noel Treanor and Closing Prayer.

7.00pm Doors open. Concert begins at 7.30pm.

All Parishioners are warmly invited to attend the Congress. Register online at or telephone 028 90690920.






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