Parish Bulletin Notes 29/09/2013

Parish News

LIVING CHURCH: A summary of the new Diocesan Pastoral Plan is available at the entrances to the Church. All families are asked to bring a copy home with them to read over. The Diocesan Plan addresses the following areas: 1. Open, Welcoming Community; 2. Faith and Worship; 3. Clergy and Religious; 4. Lay Participation; 5. Passing on the Faith. The full Diocesan Pastoral Plan is available on the Living Church website:

The Apostolic Work will be having their Annual Church Door Collection after all masses on 5th/6th October.

An information session for volunteers who are in contact with vulnerable adults will take place on Wednesday 2nd October at 7pm at St Oliver Plunkett’s Parish. The information session will be directed by Mr Jim Tracey.

St Agnes’ Faith of our Forefathers Historical Tour. As part of our Year of Faith celebrations, St Agnes’ Pastoral Council are organising a special historical tour on Saturday 5th October, 9.00am””7.30pm. The Tour is organised in conjunction with Mr Roddy Hegarty, a noted Irish historiam and curator of the Tomas O’Fiaich Library. The cost is £25; £5 is required to secure a place. Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Contact the Parish Office on 028 90615702. More information available on posters at the Church doors.

The Annual Legion of Mary Rosary Procession will take place on Sunday 6th October. The procession leaves St John’s Church, Falls Road, at 3pm and will process to St Agnes’ Church where there will be a short service of Benediction. Refreshments will be available afterwards. Rosary beads and leaflets will be provided. All are welcome. Please gather at 2.45pm.

Remember in Prayer…

Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Joe O’Neill, Brian McLarnon, Francis McGarrity, Francis Fay, Edmund Brady, Joseph & Annie Fulton, Harry & Tony McGrillen, Joe Murray, Augustine Breen, Peter Cassidy.

What is on locally

LIVING YOUTH””Are you 16/17 years old? Would you like to get involved in your parish and your community? Would you like to get an Award for this involvement? Why not find out more about the Pope John Paul II Award, the name and contact details of your parish Award Leader are available on the Award poster in your church porch. Like us on Facebook to find out more about what is going on for young people in Down & Connor.

St Michael’s Parish is offering a one day pre-marriage course for all our 2014 couples. Venue: Beechlawn Hotel. Date: Sunday 1st December 2013. Time: 10.00am—4.30pm. Refreshments (a light lunch) will be provided during the day. The cost of the day is £60 per couple.  Contact St Michael’s Tel: 028 95088030.

URGENT “ ONE OF US” PRO-LIFE PETITION — There is a concerted campaign to make abortion a “ human right”. Precious Life invite you to help prevent this. Just log on to now and sign your petition for this critical European initiative. For more details, contact Precious Life on 02890 27 84 84.

CURSILLO WEEKENDS, Benburb Priory, Dungannon. Men: 17th-20th October; Women: 24th-27th October. Cost: £110. Transport is available from Belfast.

“ Catholics ARE Bible Christians!” You are invited to a series of talks exploring this theme given by Fr Martin Graham at St Bride’s Parish Hall (Derryvolgie Ave., Belfast) on the first four Tuesdays (1, 8, 15 & 22) in October 2013. A further talk will be given by Fr Michael Maher (SM) on the message of Fatima for today (29 Oct). Talks start at 8pm and there will be an opportunity for questions. Light refreshments will be provided. Admission is free. All are welcome, invite a friend. For more information  go to

On 16th October St Anthony’s Parish, Willowfield, will celebrate 75 years of the opening of its church.  Concelebrated Mass will take place at 7pm with Bishop Noel Treanor and clergy who have served previously in the parish.  All past parishioners or those associated in any way with St Anthony’s are welcome to this celebration Mass.  Light refreshments will be available afterwards in the school.

PATHWAYS Adult Faith Development Programme is enrolling now for the 2013-2015 intake. This two year programme, supported by the Diocese runs from October to June each year and will be held on nine Saturdays from 10-4.30pm at Drumalis. Contact Drumalis at Tel: 028 28272196 or email:






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