PATHWAYS TO THE FUTURE A talent was a huge sum of money, thought to equate to the pay for 15 to 20 years’ of work. The Master in today’s Gospel reading has, therefore, placed great trust in his servants, giving them stewardship of such vast riches. God, Our Father, has placed the same trust in each one of us. At our baptism, He gave each one of us a unique set of gifts and charisms, “each in proportion to [our] ability”. We received this lifetime of riches to equip us to continue God’s work on earth, to build His Kingdom, to scatter on His behalf and to yield fruit for His harvest. Our lives as baptized Catholics are lives of service and mission, in our homes, our schools, our workplaces, and our parishes. We are called to use the baptismal gifts we have received, the talents we have been trusted to grow, in the service of God, the people we encounter in our daily lives, and the communities within which we live, work and study. Our faith is not passive or individual to us. Our faith is active and to be shared and grown. God is calling each one of us to renew His Church in Down and Connor using the talents He has entrusted us with. How will you use yours?

 “Give her a share in what her hands have worked for, and let her works tell her praises at the city gates.



WEEKLY OFFERTORY PROMISE The collection amounted to £1530.00  Thank you for your generous financial support. You can make your envelope contribution via the donate button on the Parish website home page also.

November Remembrance lists Are now available at front and side entrances of Church. Please post completed lists into post box located right hand side of Our Lady of Fatima Shrine. Thank you.

SVP Christmas cards now on sale from the Sacristy priced  £4 for a pack of 10.

TROCAIRE GIFTS  Trócaire gifts at Christmas will now be known as “Gifts of Change”  are now on sale from the Sacristy.

Bulletin Notices and Anniversaries Bulletin Notices should be with the Parish Office by 12 noon on Thursday to be included in the weekend bulletin.

WEBCAM Live streaming of all Masses takes place in St Agnes’. Click on the Live Webcam button on the Home page of the Parish website




Sat 18 (6.30pm):   John Sands, Geraldine Dunlop,

                                    David Rouse

Sun 19(9.30am):   Brigid Mc Evoy

Sun 19(12.30pm): John O’ Rawe, Bill Cinnamond,

                                     Fr Don O’ Rawe                                               

Mon 20(10am):    Larry & Rose Mc Cahey

Tue 21:                     NO MASS                

Wed 22(10am):    Priest’s intention

Thurs 23(10am): Priest’s intention

Fri 24(10am):       Priest’s intention  

Sat 25(1pm):        Bridget & Bernard O’ Kane & son Barney

NB: In the event of a funeral, the assigned intention will be offered privately by the priest at his first available mass.


Recently Deceased: Margaret Mc Garrity,  Mairead Donaghy, John Lavery RIP

Month’s Mind: John Sands

Anniversaries: Marie Barr, Dolores Webb, Dominic Webb, Bobby Hagan, Deceased members of The Legion of Mary,  Kay Dunlop, Harry Bleakley, Brigid Mc Evoy, Margaret ( Peggy) Hammond,  Kathleen Reynolds, Brendan Ryan, Patrick & Jean Dunlop.     


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord!



ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF MASS FOR THE DECEASED TEACHERS OF THE DIOCESE OF DOWN AND CONNOR Tuesday 21st November 2023 at 7.30pm All Saints’ Church, Broughshane Road, Ballymena (Refreshments afterwards in the Parish Centre) AND Thursday 23rd November 2023 at 7.30pm Good Shepherd Church, Ormeau Road, Belfast (Refreshments afterwards in the Parish Centre) ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN IN ONLINE CAN DO SO VIA THE PARISH WEBCAM


2024 Pioneer Calendar The 2024 Pioneer calendar is available from Pioneer centres and from Central Office (01 805 4226). The calendar is designed to offer spiritual support to families which are being impacted by alcohol and addiction. The calendar is priced at €5. Further information from 


ACCORD Would You Like to Become a Marriage and Relationship Counsellor with Accord Ni? Accord is seeking applications for a 2- year part-time Certificate in Counselling. You will need weekend availability for our funded residential training courses in Crossgar, Co. Down and a commitment to complete the course over 2 years, beginning in April 2024. Course fees will be funded and placement will be provided by Accord NI. The closing date for receipt of applications is 20th December 2023. If you would like further information, please contact Brenda at 02890233002 or


Deceased Clergy & Religious Annual Mass for Deceased Clergy and Religious who have died in this past year (1st November 2022 – 31st October 2023). Tuesday 28th November 2023 – St Peter’s Cathedral (Belfast) 7:30 pm The Mass will also be broadcast online at Parishioners, Clergy and Religious from throughout the Diocese are invited to join the families of the deceased to offer Mass together with our Bishop.


KNOCK ALL NIGHT VIGIL New departure from Clonard Monastery only at 1.30pm . Thursday 7th December returning to Belfast Friday 8th December at Noon. Price £60. This includes Dinner and Breakfast. To book phone Brendan on 02890 665211 between 9am & 5pm Monday—Friday. . Vigil Starts at 11pm and consist of the Rosary, Stations of the cross, Benediction and finishes with Mass @ 4pm.


“Advent to Christmas” Afternoon of Reflection with Fr Perry Gildea cm
Drumalis Retreat and Conference Centre, Larne – Saturday, 2 December from 2 pm – 5 pm Fr Perry will lead a gentle afternoon of reflection as we begin the Advent journey, concluding with celebration of the Vigil Mass of the First Sunday of Advent.  The afternoon is free of charge though donations are welcome. Pre-booking is essential.  To book a place, please contact Drumalis by phone 028 2827 2196/2827 6455 or by email


Irish Men’s Rosary Saturday 2nd December at 1pm Castle Junction (opposite Primark)


Housekeeper Vacancy in St Teresa’s Glen Road 12 hour week position – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 0930 – 1.30. please visit


A vacancy has arisen for a Housekeeper within the parish of St Teresa of Avila, 135 Glen
Road, Belfast, BT11 8BL.
The post holder will be required to:
❖ provide a reliable and efficient cleaning service to the Parish Priest whilst
ensuring a pleasant, welcoming, and clean Presbytery for the members of the
team, volunteers, and parish visitors.
The terms are based on a permanent appointment requiring 12 hours per week,
9.30am – 1.30pm each Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Rate of Pay – £10.42 gross per hour.
Full details relating to the vacancy can be found on the Diocesan website at: clicking on the tab: JOB VACANCIES and on the
Community NI website, where terms and conditions relating to the role can also be
accessed by way of a Role Profile and Employment Application form. Application
packs can also be obtained from the Parish Office.
We welcome applications from anyone who feels they meet the criteria and are
interested in playing an active part in the Parish.
Closing date for applications will be 12.00 noon on Tuesday 28th November 2023
Down and Connor Diocesan Trust is an Equal Opportunities Employer
























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