PATHWAYS TO THE FUTURE This is a time of major change – politically, economically, socially, and within our Church. Change can be unsettling and even a little frightening, especially when it impacts on something that we love, cherish, and rely upon, like our parish communities and how we celebrate our faith. Over recent weeks, we have heard about changes that are coming to our parishes and Diocese. Changes in the number of priests in active ministry in years to come, changes in how our parishes will work together in new families of parishes, changes in the active role that lay people will play working alongside our clergy in new ministries, leadership roles and the management of our parishes. The Holy Spirit is moving within these changes, and Jesus is calling each one of us to renew and to rebuild His Church. As Bishop Donal McKeown said in his Pastoral Letter at Pentecost, “The Spirit which acted with such unexpected force and fulness in Pentecost is the same Spirit we can call upon and put our entire trust in today.” The Pathways to the Future team is concluding its initial planning work. Further information about our new Families of Parishes, lay ministries, and new ways for our lay people and clergy to work together in the service of God and each other will shared through a series of events across the Diocese in the autumn. This will be the start of ongoing conversations that will continue within parishes and across parishes as we start to build our new parish families. As Bishop McKeown said at Pentecost, “Together we can renew and rebuild the Church. Together, we can become part of God’s amazing dream for ourselves and for the whole of creation. Like the disciples at Pentecost, let us embrace the future with confidence and hope.” In doing so, let us hear Jesus’ voice as He continues to tell each of us “Do not be afraid”.
WEEKLY OFFERTORY PROMISE The collection amounted to £1350.00 Thank you for your generous financial support. You can make your envelope contribution via the donate button on the Parish website home page also.
THANK YOU TO FR THOMAS On Fri 23rd June Fr Thomas was invited to Holy Child P.S for an assembly with the Children. There we had the opportunity to acknowledge our sincere thanks and gratitude to Fr. Mc Glynn for his dedicated service and commitment to our Parish over the 8yrs he was here. On behalf of the Parishioners Fr Thomas was presented with a beautiful engraved Chalice and a Cheque. Fr Thomas wishes to express his gratitude to all the Parishioners of St Agnes’ for their unfailing support during his time here.
PROPOSED INITIATIVES FORM Please could you return your “yellow” form if you have not done so to the Parish office, Sacristy or to Fr Raymond. Thank you.
DRUMALIS Parish Retreat to Drumalis Larne Sept 23’. Anyone interested contact Pat on 90 617082 by 30/6/23.
St Michael the Archangel 32 Hours of Adoration 30th June- 1st July Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin on Friday 30th June after 10.00 am Mass If you would like to volunteer for adoration please put your name on the sheets in the porches or contact Kate O’Connor on 07756025097.
Sat 24: (6:30pm): Dominic Park, Teresa Delaney,
Bobby Mc Cartan, Mary Wright, Jimmy Nellis
Sun 25:(9:30am): Sean Grant, Brigid & Timothy O’ Sullivan
Brigid Hughes
Sun 25: (12:30pm): Eithne Megahey, Maureen Boyer,
Don Brady, Kevin Mc Shane
Mon 26:(10am): Priest’s intention
Tue 27: No Mass
Wed 28: (10am): Priest’s intention
Thu 29: (10am): Priest’s intention
Fri 30: (10am): Priest’s intention
Sat 01: (1pm): John O’ Brien, Daniel O’ Brien
Recently deceased: Philip Maguire, Karen Mc Bride nee Crawford
Months Mind: Dominic Park, Eithne Megahey, Maureen Boyer
Anniversaries: Frank Mc Dermot, Eddie Haughey, Ursula Burns, Edward &
Teresa Murphy, Mary Carroll & Brendan Flynn, Paddy Lynas, Billy Maguire
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord!
BOOK LAUNCH ‘Sister Patricia Maria Speight: Bringing God’s Love and Hope to People in the Margins’ by Aidan Donaldson. The book launch will take place on Wednesday 28th June at 6pm in Holy Family Church, Limestone Road, Belfast.
All-Ireland Rally for Life takes place in Dublin on Saturday 1st July. Make a stand to protect Ireland’s unborn babies. Coaches travelling from towns across Northern Ireland. to book your seat contact 02890278484/ 07592280522 or email
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Recently opened in Belfast. Volunteers needed 9am-1pm & 1-5pm. There is a role for everyone from customer service to helping collect donations . ReStore provides learning and employability training for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. Get in touch:
HOLY LAND AT CHRISTMAS Last remaining places for special Belfast Pilgrimage to the Holy Land at Christmas 2023 ex Dublin. Taking in Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Last Supper Room, Garden of Gethsemane and Mount of Olives. Full day in Bethlehem on Christmas Day.Contact James Treacy 0035361921470
Lough Derg 2023 Friday 30th June – Sunday 2nd July 2023. Cost £90 includes luxury coach transfers. Bus departs 9am Friday 30th June from Glengall Street. Contact Claire Tel: 02890 690920 Email:
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