Out of the depths I cry to you O Lord, Lord, hear my voice!

O let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleading.

If you, O Lord should mark our guilt, Lord who would survive?

But with you is found forgiveness; for this we revere you.

My soul is waiting for the Lord.  I count on His word.

My soul is longing for the Lord more than the watchman for daybreak.

(Let the watchman count on daybreak and Israel on the Lord).

Because, with the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

Israel indeed He will redeem for all its iniquity.

v– Eternal rest grant to them O Lord

r – And let perpetual light shine upon them

v – May they rest in peace

r – Amen

v – O Lord, hear my prayer

r – And let my cry come to you.

Let us pray, O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful,

grant to the souls of your servants departed the remission of all their sins,

that through our fervent prayer they may obtain that pardon

which they have always desired; who live and reign forever and ever.


Weekly Offertory Promise


World Missions  £2712.00

Thank you for your generous financial support. You can make your envelope contribution via the donate button on the Parish website home page as well.

November Remembrance lists Are now available at front and side entrances of Church. Please post completed lists into post box located right hand side of Our Lady of Fatima Shrine. Thank you.

ANNUAL MASS FOR THE BEREAVED MON 14th November @ 7 pm. Invitations have now been sent out to all those who lost a loved one since November 2021 and who have already had the month’s mind Mass for their family member.

Bulletin Notices and Anniversaries Bulletin Notices should be with the Parish Office by 12 noon on Thursday to be included in the weekend bulletin.

Wednesday Morning in the parish hall Senior Parishioners meet on a Wednesday Morning for a chat and a cuppa after 10am Mass. Everyone is Welcome .

SET DANCING Each Thursday evening from 8-9.30pm. All welcome

WEBCAM Live streaming of all Masses takes place in St Agnes’. Click on the Live Webcam button on the Home page of the Parish website


SAT: Vigil 6.30pm: Geraldine Mc Cann, John Mc Geown,

Gerry Mc Burney

SUN: 9.30am: Mass for the people

12.30pm: Alice Mc Kee,

Sheila Scappaticci, Sadie Hughes, Mary Mc Keown, Frances White

MON:10.00am: Funeral Mass  of Tom  (Thomas) Mc Glinchey


Patrick Bleakley,

Bill Cinnamond

TUE: 10.00am: ALL SAINTS

WED:10.00am: November Dead list

THU: 10.00am: November Dead List

FRI: 10.00am:   November Dead List

SAT:1pm: Margaret Crossan

NB: In the event of a funeral, the assigned intention will be offered privately by the priest at his first available mass.

Recently Deceased: Maureen Phelan,  Martin Hughes, Tom ( Thomas) Mc Glinchey

Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Joe Kemp, Sally Montgomery, Mary Marley, Rose & Eamonn Mc Garrigle, Fr Tom Woods, Mary Moss, James Farrelly.


RECORDINGS Please note, all funerals and Masses are recorded. Please tell us if you do not want your loved one’s funeral recorded.

A Postcard from Rome

Well-known peacemakers, Fr Martin Magill and Rev Steve Stockman, together with Steve’s wife Janice, will be in conversation with the BBC’s Jim Fitzpatrick at the Catholic Chaplaincy QUB this Wednesday 2 November at 7.30pm.  They’ll share the story of their memorable pilgrimage to Rome when, together with a group of students from the Chaplaincy, they met Pope Francis at the Vatican.  The Chaplaincy’s Choir, Canticle, will provide music and song and there’ll be testimony from students.  The Chaplaincy will also share news of its ambitious plans for the future.  Refreshments will be served afterwards.  If you’d like to come along and learn more about how you can support the Chaplaincy’s important work with students, you’d be most welcome.

ST GENEVIEVE’S HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTMAS FAIR SAT  3rd DEC 10AM2:30PM *Few stalls still available* Live music from the school choir, Santa’s grotto, tombola, craft stalls and lots more. Helping to raise money for Ajosepo – the school’s African project .

FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS Will take place in St, Matthias’s Church, Glen Road on 5th Nov

3pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions and Act of Consecration,

4pm: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Special Belfast Pilgrimage to Fatima Easter 2023 ex Dublin – Departing Wednesday (Holy Week) 5th April (5 nights). Full Easter ceremony and tour of Lisbon. Optional tour to seaside on Easter Saturday. Contact James Treacy 0035361921470.

ONE DAY PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK On the Feast of All Souls, Wed 2nd November 2022. Depart St Agne’ at 7.30am ( Bring a packed lunch)  for more information call Pat on 07946917354 or Harriet on 07812098991. Cost £22.

PLEDGE FOR NOVEMBER Many people offer spiritual support to a relation who is struggling because of alcohol or an addiction problem. Parishioners who wish to take a short-term Pioneer pledge during the month of the Holy Souls are invited to visit

KNOCK ALL NIGHT VIGIL New departure from Clonard Monastery at 1.30pm and Westwood Centre Kennedy Way at 2pm Wednesday 7th Dec returning Thursday 8th Dec at 12noon. Price £60 this includes Dinner and Breakfast. To book call Brendan on 02890 665211 between 9am and 5pm Mon-Fri. Vigil starts at 11pm and consist of the Rosary, stations of the cross, Benediction and finishes with Mass at 4pm.

Trócaire Christmas fundraisers are needed to help respond to the urgent need of poor communities around the world. If you would like to find out more about what you can do to help now or over the Advent and Christmas period, then please email Mark McMahon at or call 028 9090 8030.


An opportunity has arisen within our Finance Team to recruit a Financial Accountant
who will be required to provide guidance on financial accuracy, internal controls, and
regulatory compliance across the Parish network. We see this as an exciting and
challenging opportunity to play an integral part of the Diocesan Finance Team, where
the role holder will have responsibility for delivery of annual Parish Statutory accounts,
on-site Parish visits and audit support and training across our Parishes.
This is a hybrid role to be based at the Curia Office, 75 Somerton Road, Belfast, BT15
4DE, but you will also be required to work across the Parish Network, along with an
element of Homeworking.
The terms are based on a permanent appointment for 35 hours per week. Monday to
Friday from 9.00am – 5.00pm.
Salary: Will be considered within the range of £40,000 to £45,000 gross per annum –
commensurate upon experience.
Full details relating to the vacancy can be found on the Diocesan website at: clicking on the tab: job vacancies and on the
Community NI and websites, where terms and conditions relating to the role
can also be accessed by way of a Role Profile and Employment Application form.
We welcome applications from anyone who feels they meet the criteria as presented
and are interested in playing an active role within the Diocese of Down and Connor.
Closing date for applications will be 12.00 noon on Thursday 17th November 2022
Down and Connor Diocesan Trust is an Equal Opportunities Employer


A part-time Housekeeper vacancy has arisen within Hannahstown Parish,
23 Hannahstown Hill, Belfast, BT17 0LT.
The post holder will be required to provide a confidential, efficient housekeeping
service to the Parish Priest, whilst ensuring a pleasant, safe, welcoming, and clean
Presbytery is provided to other presbytery workers, volunteers, and parish visitors.
The terms are based on a permanent appointment requiring 16 hours attendance each
week, work pattern to be agreed with the successful candidate.
Flexibility will be required in relation to attendance and hours worked, from time to time.
Rate of Pay – £9.50 gross per hour.
Full details relating to the vacancy can be found on the Diocesan website at: clicking on the tab: JOB VACANCIES and on the
Community NI website, where terms and conditions relating to the role can also be
accessed by way of a Role Profile and Employment Application form. Application
packs can also be obtained from the Parish Office.
We welcome applications from anyone who feels they meet the criteria and are
interested in playing an active part in the Parish.
Closing date for applications will be 12.00 noon on Thursday 17th November 2022.
Down and Connor Diocesan Trust is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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