Parish Bulletin Notes 15/12/2013

Parish News

The Weekly Offertory Promise collection amounted to £2,315.00. Thank you.

The last of the Advent Solemn Rosaries will take place this Thursday at 7pm in St Agnes’. All welcome.

The St Agnes’ Parish Christmas Carol Service will take place on Sunday 22nd Dec. at 6:30pm. If you so wish, please bring along the Christ Child from your Crib or a Christmas Candle to be blessed during the service.

Priests will be available for confessions after all Sunday masses next weekend.

Remember in prayer…

Recently deceased: Mary Farry

Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Tommy & Teresa Kelly, Pat Brannigan, Annie McCallin, Molly Byrne, Tommy Allen, Teresa Compston, Phillip Murphy, Danny Mullan, Sarah & William Fennell, Jim Cunningham, Charles and Margaret Mallon, Helena & Frank  Kane, Margaret & Ellen Frances Kelly, Samuel Scott, Michael & Harry Flynn, Elizabeth McDonnell, Grace Kemp, Rosaleen McKenna, Elizabeth McAlister.

What’s on locally

Holy Child Nursery School, 40 Slievegallion Drive, are hosting two Open Afternoons on Tuesday 7th January from 2-4pm. The nursery operates an Open Enrolment Policy and welcomes applications on behalf of all children who will be three years old on or before 1st July 2004.

A Perfect Christmas Gift! St. Agnes’ Choral Society is delighted to announce that it will be performing the much loved classic ”˜Hello, Dolly!’ in the Grand Opera House, Wed. 26th February — Sat. 1st March 2014. Tickets can be booked by phoning 02890 241919 or online at

St Dominic’s Past Pupils’ Union’s Annual Carol Service will take place in the school on Monday 16th December at 7.30pm (Refreshments afterwards). Past Pupils and their friends are most welcome.


Statement by Bishop Noel Treanor upon the Publication of the NBSCCCI Review of Safeguarding 10th December 2013

On behalf of the Diocese of Down and Connor, I publish the review of safeguarding in the Diocese of Down and Connor which was undertaken from 9th-10th and 22nd-23rd May 2013 by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland. I am grateful to the specialised members of the National Board and the National Office of Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church, led now by Ms Teresa Devlin and previously by Mr Ian Elliott, for conducting this review, for their guidance and recommendations which will be acted upon.

As I publish this Report, my thoughts and prayers are firstly with victims of child abuse and their families. They have experienced much suffering and pain and the church will always bear this wound. I pledge to continue to put all resources in place to help and support victims.

As I have in the past, I offer my unreserved apology for the pain of child abuse carried out by some clergy within this diocese and for the failure of the church when dealing with those so wrongfully hurt.

I am encouraged and I hope that all those who take the opportunity to read the review will be reassured and take confidence in the overall endorsement of the current diocesan policies and procedures and established best practice.

This review confirms that when people come forward today that they will be listened to and action will be taken promptly in conjunction with the relevant statutory authorities.

Sadly for survivors, this improvement has come far too late. But I am encouraged for the safeguarding team of dedicated personnel and for the hundreds of volunteers in parishes throughout the diocese; this Report bears testimony to their committed service to the care of children and to the Church.

My fervent hope is that the work of the diocese’s Safeguarding Office and volunteers will ensure that the inadequate response of the past will become a thing of the past.

I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all who are involved in the vital work of Safeguarding in this Diocese. I wish to acknowledge my gratitude for their ongoing commitment and dedication in service of the Church and our young people.


Key Findings of the NBSCCCI Report (Down and Connor Diocese)

1. The reviewers have assessed the diocese’s compliance with the 48 criteria that make up the seven standards and commend the diocese in meeting 46 of these fully. This is an excellent result and indicates the very successful and effective investment of time and resources by the Diocese of Down and Connor in its Child Safeguarding services over the last five years. (p. 5)

2. The diocese has a well-resourced team retained by the Bishop. They are supported by a large number of committed and enthusiastic volunteers who together make up the safeguarding of the diocese. (p. 4)

3. The experience of the diocese in originating a new structure can inform the Irish Church in its review and revision of its ratified and adopted Safeguarding Children document. (p. 8)

4. The review of the case material indicates that current practice places an emphasis on a timely reporting of the concerning information to the PSNI and to the relevant HSC Trust. (p. 10)

5. The development of the diocesan Safeguarding Office brought about significant improvements in communication and cooperation with these important (Statutory) bodies. This is exemplified in the workings of the Multi-Agency Group, where the Diocesan Safeguarding Office, the PSNI and the Trust’s social work services meet together to share information on cases as soon as these are notified to the Safeguarding Office. This arrangement is commended. (p. 11)

6. All 14 concerns or allegations [since the appointment of Bishop Noel Treanor to the diocese in June 2008] have been properly managed. (p. 12)

7. The information contained on the diocesan website related to training activities for safeguarding children is of an exceptional standard. (p. 22)

8. The make-up of the Advisory Panel contains a good mix of relevant skills and expertise. (p. 16) The reviewers are aware of and commend the manner in which risk assessment is not seen as a single event but is on- going and open cases are brought to the Advisory Panel for reviewing on a continuing basis. (p. 27)

9. The diocese of Down and Connor is very well supported by approximately 470 committed, trained and enthusiastic volunteers who together make up an effective safeguarding structure. (p. 19) The numbers being trained is impressive-over 2,000 people in a three-year period. (p. 22)

10. The diocese has established a designated resource for the provision of support to those who have been harmed. This is in addition to the services offered through ”˜Towards Healing’. (p. 25)

NBSCCCI Review of Safeguarding Structures in Down and Connor available on

Diocesan Policy and Procedures advise anyone who may have a concern of a safeguarding nature to contact either the PSNI, Social Services, or the Diocesan Designated Safeguarding Officer (Telephone: 028 90492783).





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