Parish Bulletin Notes 27/10/2013

Parish News

6.30pm Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of All Saints on Thursday 31st October. Mass will be offered for deceased Special Ministers of Holy Communion of the Parish.

Due to a request from parishioners, the St Agnes’ Bethany Bereavement Support Group would like to invite anyone in need of bereavement support to come to the Parish Centre for tea or coffee and a chat after the 1pm Mass on the first Saturday of the month (Next meeting: 2nd November).

One Day Pilgrimage to Knock for the feast of Holy Souls, 2 November, leaving St Agnes at 7.30am. Bring packed lunch, price £15. Contact: Pat: 079 46917354 or Mary: 075 94202371.

Remember in prayer…

Recently deceased: John O’Toole.

Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Rita Nellis, Gerry Murphy, Gary Lavery, Arthur Rooney, Lily Houston, Catherine & Bill Harvey, Terry Hale (Jr), Rose Rogan, James Press., Henry & Una Brady, James Fulton, Canon Patrick O’Brien, Phillip Glennon, Annie Murray, Morris Marsden, Marie Drumm.

Holy Father’s prayer intentions for November:

Suffering Priests. That priests who experience difficulties may find comfort in their suffering, support in their doubts, and confirmation in their fidelity.

Latin American Churches. That as fruit of the continental mission, Latin American Churches may send missionaries to other Churches.

What’s on locally

“ All who humble themselves will be exalted” Are you being called to humble service as a priest? Please contact Fr John Murray, Vocations Director Tel: 90913761 or email:

Catholic Teachers’ Assoc. Annual Mass for Deceased Teachers: Mon. 4th Nov. at 7.30pm at St Comgall’s Church, Antrim; or Tues. 5th Nov. at 7.30pm at Good Shepherd Church, Ormeau Rd, Belfast. Refreshments provided afterwards.

Last opportunity to sign urgent Pro-Life Petition – Precious Life invite you to help save millions of tiny lives by logging on to  and sign the petition for this critical campaign to protect unborn babies. The petition closes on 31st October. For further information, contact Precious Life on 02890278484

All parishioners are asked to note that this November is Will Aid’s National Make a Will month. For the month of November only, solicitors across Northern Ireland will waive their usual fee for drawing up a basic will in favour of you making a donation to one of nine charities including Trócaire. For more information on the Will Aid scheme you can visit or call 0300 0300013 .

YOUTH 2000 invites all young adults between ages 16-35 to a catholic weekend retreat from 15-17th Nov. at De La Salle High School, Downpatrick. This will be an exciting weekend attracting over 150 young people from all over the country. Good craic, excellent speakers, inspiring talks and workshops, prayer, great music, youth Masses, Adoration, a healing service….lots of time to chill out and meet new people and a reluctance to go home! This weekend is organised by young people for young people. Parent consent is essential for under 18’s. All meals and accommodation are provided. Don’t let money be an obstacle! For more details see or Tel: 07598876399.

Winter Information Event For Older People at Andersonstown Leisure Centre on Thu. 24th Oct, 11am-2pm. Info. & advice on: Keeping warm, Preventing accidents, Healthy eating, Benefits, A range of exhibitors offering services for older people. A free lunch is offered. Transport available for older people who cannot make their own way to the centre Book your place & transport: Contact Pamela on 028 90232020.




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